DTL OTMaster 7.9 available now
The technical OpenType editor DTL OTMaster developed by Dutch Type Library (DTL) and URW Type Foundry is now available in version 7.9. The new version brings support for variable OpenType fonts, an all-new Proofing Tool for printing and creating PDF specimens, and many detailed improvements.

With OTMaster, you can inspect, troubleshoot and modify OpenType and TrueType fonts in a non-invasive way — in all their flavors, including variable fonts, color fonts, TTC collections, WOFF2 web fonts, and CID-keyed OTF fonts. You can view and change OpenType Layout features, edit low-level OpenType font tables, and fix bugs or problems. With OTMaster’s Glyph Editor, you can import a monochrome EPS or SVG drawing, ornament or logo, and add it as a new glyph or replace an existing glyph in a font.
Visit our DTL OTMaster web page for more info about the app, or buy or upgrade now in the FontLab store! The full license for macOS, Windows or Linux is US$228, upgrades from previous versions are US$57. We also offer an academic price at $114 (requires proof of your academic status, such as a student or staff ID card).
OTMaster is a perfect companion app for FontLab VI: draw, space, kern & hint in FontLab, test & tweak in OTMaster.
New in OTMaster 7.9
- OpenType Font Variations support: New Font Variation Viewer & instances editor. Support for fvar, gvar, CFF2, STAT, HVAR, MVAR, meta tables. Show instances and isomorphic compatibility in Side by Side Viewer. Variation support in the Glyph Viewer, Text Viewer and Glyph Editor.
- Proofing Tool: Print or export to PDF all or selected glyphs (one or multiple per page) of the current or all open fonts, or specimens with custom text. Show, hide or customize the outline, points, glyph and font metrics, labels and other details.
Improved in OTMaster 7.9
- Side By Side Viewer: Print, show variation instances, only show glyphs that are non-interpolable or differ in width.
- Table Comparator: Make tables consistent across a family, enhance, or remove entries.
- GPOS/GSUB Table Viewer: When editing mark attachment visually, hold Shift-drag to move marks horizontally, hold Shift+Alt to move them vertically
- OpenType tables: Support for OS/2 table version 1 – 5, auto-calculate new fields when upgrading table version. Show X,Y positions in glyf table comments.
- Consistency Checker: use_typo_metrics checkbox
- Import/Export: Export fonts to UFO format. Export instances from variable fonts to URW QQ or BE files. Export AFM with original UPM.
- Text Viewer: Edit glyph metrics (advance width). Easier handling of texts.
- Glyph Editor: Point List panel. Tabs moved from bottom to top. Reset to maximum Em-square. Antialiasing. Center vertically in Em square. Edit glyph metrics. Point numbering (no virtual anchor points in TT fonts). Marker Size, Fill Anchor Points in Preferences.
A word from our friends at DTL
“Initially the idea was that version 8 would be the next retail version. However, the additional OTF – TTF conversion, the export of the UFO 3 format, and the development of the updated manual takes a bit longer than expected. In the past months we received quite a number of requests for a new OTM version, so we have decided to release version 7.9, even though this version comes without the aforementioned functionality and without an updated manual. Owners of version 7.9 will be able to upgrade to version 8 (scheduled for the first half of 2019) for only €25.”
OTMaster system requirements
- OTMaster 7.9 for Windows is a 32-bit app that runs on Windows 7 and newer, including Windows 10 (either the 32- or the 64-bit version).
- To install the app: After unzipping the downloaded file, copy the DTL OTMaster 7.9 folder into your C:\Program Files folder, navigate to C:\Program Files\DTL OTMaster 7.9\Program Files, right-click otm.exe and choose Send To > Desktop (create shortcut).
- To run the app: Double-click otm or otm.exe — Shortcuton your Desktop.
macOS / Mac OS X
- OTMaster 7.9 for Mac is a 64-bit app that runs on Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite or newer, including macOS 10.14 Mojave.
- To install the app: Double-click the downloaded DMG. Drag DTL OTMaster 7.9.app into your /Applications folder.
- To run the app: When you start the app for the first time, navigate to the Applications folder, Ctrl+click DTL OTMaster 7.9.app and choose Open. Click Open. Subsequently, just double-click the app icon.